Generalization of carbon dioxide capture and storage research as part of the Ukrainian energy sector decarbonization
global warming, decarbonization, production modernization, technologies, carbon dioxide capture, transportation, oil and gas fields, carbon dioxide storage, increased hydrocarbon recoveryAbstract
The object of the research is technologies for capturing technogenic carbon dioxide and ways of its utilization. The negative effects of global warming, which are manifested by climate change, melting glaciers, and rising ocean levels, require global efforts to reduce the negative impact on the atmosphere. This can be achieved by reducing the share of fossil fuels in the energy balance, introducing technologies for generating electricity from renewable sources, and increasing the energy efficiency of production. Today's society is fully dependent on fossil fuels, and the transition to alternative energy-efficient energy sources requires a lot of money and time, so it is necessary to take drastic measures to slow down the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. To reduce the negative impact on the environment, energy-intensive enterprises with a high rate of industrial greenhouse gas emissions are equipped with technologies for capturing carbon dioxide. These technologies involve capturing carbon dioxide during the combustion of coal or gas and its transportation to a disposal site, followed by its storage without contacting the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide released from flue gases can be used commercially as a raw material for the food and chemical industries. A promising area for utilizing large volumes of carbon dioxide is its use in the oil and gas industry. The results of numerous studies show the technological efficiency of carbon dioxide injection into depleted oil and gas fields to increase their hydrocarbon recovery. The introduction of carbon dioxide injection technologies based on various technological schemes will reduce the concentration of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and increase the efficiency of the development of residual hydrocarbon reserves.
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