ISSN (print) 1993-9868
ISSN (online) 2415-3109
Publication Ethics
The editorial board of the journal «Oil and Gas Power Engineering» keeps definite level to requirements during selection and accepting of articles. They are defined by the journal scientific direction, quality standards to scientific articles and their writing that were accepted in scientific community.
Mentioned above rules are developed with recommendation of Committee on Publication Ethics, International standards for editors and authors and Ukrainian Scientist Ethics Codex, and can help skilled and young scientifics.
Ethical obligations of the editorial board of the journal
1. The editorial board reviews without prejudice all manuscripts submitted for publication, evaluates their properly despite racial, religion, nationality and official position or working place of author (authors).
2. All submitted manuscripts for publication pass seriously selection and blind double evaluation.
3. Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal uses credibility of data representation and scientific level of the reviewed manuscript for making a decision about its publication. Conclusions of the editorial board are fair and objective, independent of commercial and other interests for honest process of reviewing.
4. The editorial board may reject or return a manuscript for reworking if materials does not match with scien-tific directions and problems of the magazine, or materials are plagiarism.
5. Editor-in-Chief and editorial board do not give information for other persons about contents of the manu-script that is reviewed (except persons who review manuscript), manuscript’s materials may be used in own researches of these persons only with author permission.
6. The manuscript is published in the journal and placed on the web sites after the editorial board permission.
7. The editorial board can remove published materials if they break someone’s right or public norms of scien-tific ethics. The editorial board notifies author and organization, where research work was performed, about fact of publication removing.
8. Editors, authors and reviewers must notify about your interests (intellectual, financial, personal, political, religious) they may influence on their objectivity during editing and reviewing of the publications materials (case of the interests conflict).
9. Responsibility and journal editor’s rights relative to personally submitted manuscript must be delegated to any other qualified person.
10. The editorial board of the journal is not responsible before authors or third persons per possible damage which is a reason of the manuscript publication.
Ethical obligations of the authors
1. The basic author’s obligation is submitting of accurate report about performed research and objective discussion of its importance. Authors must represent own results clearly and unambiguously so that their conclusions could be confirmed by other scientists, without fake of getting data or incorrect manipulation of them.
2. The authors of manuscripts are fully responsible due content and fact of the publication. Hazards and risks that are known for authors and that are related with researching or using of research results should be specified in the manuscript.
3. Author that submits manuscript responds for including to the co-author’s list only persons that meet the criterion of authorship (they added great scientific results to the manuscript and they share responsibility for the obtained results, etc). Also he responds for the agreement of other co-authors on publication in the journal of the research results.
4. The authors should not submit manuscript in to the journal if manuscript submitted in to other journal and is reviewed in this journal, or includes published materials.
5. Author must cite publications that have important influence on manuscript essence and is very important for understanding of the article. Also need denote fundamentally important references that used in the article (except well-known) if they was not gotten by the author individually.
6. Authors must specify clearly all references for all cited and represented information and must correctly write down references that used in the article.
7. Author must rework manuscript according to remarks of reviewers or editorial board and return to the edi-torial office.
8. If author find important mistakes or inaccuracies in the manuscript during reviewing process or after publishing, author must faster inform editorial board about this fact.
Ethical obligations of the reviewers
1. Manuscript that submitted for reviewing needs to review as confidential document, it cannot given for reviewing or discussion by third persons that have not authority from the editorial office.
2. If reviewer think that him qualification (or direction) does not respond to manuscript’s research level or can-not be objective, for example in case of conflict of interest with author or organization, reviewer must inform editorial board about it with request of exclude him from reviewing process.
3. The reviewer must objectively evaluate the quality of the manuscript, performed experimental and theoretical work, its interpretation and presentation, and also to take into account, how the work corresponds to scientific and literary standards.
4. Reviewer must give objective and reasoned evaluation of the presented research results. Any assertion that information submitted in the manuscript was published needs to be accompanied by a reference. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
5. Reviewer must not use or open unpublished information that includes in the submitted manuscript if author or authors permission is missing.
6. Reviewer must perform reviewing and prepare conclusions in time.
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