Investigation of the influence the pressure of the start of dry gas injection on the condensate recovery factor of gas condensate fields
digital modeling, gas condensate reservoir, reservoir energy depletion, retrograde condensation, condensate loss, reservoir pressure maintenance, dry gas injection, enhanced hydrocarbon recovery.Abstract
Using the software packages Eclipse and Petrel, studies were carried out to increase the hydrocarbon recovery of gas condensate fields with a high content of condensate in the reservoir gas. The aim of the work is to optimize the technology of reservoir pressure maintenance using dry gas. The study was carried out for different stages of depletion of the gas condensate reservoir. The pressure of the start of dry gas injection into the reservoir is: 1 Pinit; 0.8 Pinit; 0.6 Pinit; 0.4 Pinit; 0.2 Pinit.Based on the results of the studies, it was found that when introducing the technology of injecting dry gas into a gas condensate reservoir, reservoir pressure is maintained at a higher level compared to depletion development. Due to this, stabilization of the existing operating modes of producing wells is achieved and additional hydrocarbon production is ensured. The cumulative production of condensate for different pressures of the start of dry gas injection into the productive reservoir is: 1 Pinit – 398.25 th.m3; 0.8 Pinit – 384.73 th.m3; 0.6 Pinit – 371.46 th.m3; 0.4 Pinit – 360.69 th.m3; 0.2 Pinit – 345.22 th.m3. Analyzing the results of the conducted studies, it was found that the higher the reservoir pressure in the gas condensate reservoir at the time of the introduction of the dry gas injection technology, the greater the condensate production. Based on the results of the analysis of the calculated data, the optimal value of the pressure for the beginning of dry gas injection into the productive reservoir was determined, which is 0.842 Рinit. The increase in the final condensate recovery factor for the given optimal value of the dry gas injection start pressure is 7.26 % compared to the development of the reservoir for depletion. The results of the studies carried out testify to the high technological efficiency of the introduction of reservoir pressure maintenance technologies in the development of gas condensate fields with significant condensate reserves.
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