Research basic parameters and justification of choice of gas injectors for alternative biogas fuel
engine, alternative fuels, biogas, economy, nozzles, atomization, consumption, power, reliabilityAbstract
In connection with the trend of shortage of commercial fuels for engines in Ukraine and the world, the production of alternative fuels is developing, including biogas. The use of biogas fuel on a modern internal combustion engine equipped with gas equipment of 4-5 generations can create a number of difficulties. This is due to the low heat of combustion of untreated biogas, the presence of moisture and the specifics of the operation of the nozzles. And, therefore, for the correct choice of nozzles, it is necessary to conduct a study and analysis of a number of basic indicators of their operation and, based on the data obtained, recommend their optimal parameters. In gas nozzles, as in gasoline ones, there are a number of important parameters on which stability and uniformity of engine operation, fuel consumption, reliability, etc. depend. These include: linear operation; nozzle reaction time; coil resistance; response time; ability to maintain factory performance; resource of work. For research, we selected nozzles of 4 generations of common manufacturers, namely: Matrix; Barracuda; Valtek; Hana; Keihin. In terms of linea-rity, Valtek nozzles have low performance, and therefore use on engines can lead to increased biogas consumption, reduced engine performance and valve burnout. Keihin nozzles have high rates in this aspect of research, and therefore they will provide maximum efficiency of biogas combustion on the engine. High reaction time in Keihin nozzles. Barracuda nozzles are very close to working with Keihin, which means that their use will not impair engine performance. The factory characteristics of the nozzles, namely the coil resistance is the optimal Keihin nozzle, and the lowest values in Valtek nozzles, the response (response) time of the Matrix, Hana and Keihin nozzles is quite close to 2 ms, which will provide quick response and wear, and the Barracuda and Valtek nozzles Keihin, Matrix and Barracuda nozzles provide the ability to maintain factory characteristics in the range from 2 to 5%, and the worst performance in Valtek is up to 20%, the service life of the nozzles, subject to timely servicing, is the largest Keihin nozzle, Matrix and Hana, which is from 200 to 250 thousand km, and the lowest indicator in Valtek and Matrix
injectors is a resource from 70 to 100 thousand km. So, according to the results of the research, Keihin nozzles are recommended for use on engines in the process of their conversion to gas fuel. Their application will provide maximum efficiency and economy of the engine.
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