biogas, landfill, ecology, biogas composition, heat of combustion, effective power, torque, specific consumptionAbstract
The problem of the effective use of traditional energy sources and the search for alternative resources is currently urgent. Today, in Ukraine, the low-calorie gas potential, which in large quantities is formed in landfills from solid household wastes, in particular biogas, is almost not used. The number of existing domestic installations for the disposal of this gas is insignificant. Today, this valuable resource in quantities of up to 1 billion cubic meters per year is emitted into the atmosphere contaminating it, or burned in flares. Rarely biogas is used in automotive internal combustion engines. However, replacing gasoline with biogas results in reduction in engine power and an increase in fuel consumption. Knowing the component composition of biogas, one can calculate the heat of its combustion and the heat of combustion of gas-air mixtures.
According to the results of analytical studies, the graphic dependences of the change in effective power, torque and the effective specific biogas flow rate on engine revolutions were constructed and a comparison of these values with those of a petrol engine was performed. Dependencies show that the use of biogas as a fuel for the ICE leads to a significant reduction of the above parameters: in particular, the effective power decreases to 20%, torque to 22%, and the specific effective fuel consumption increases by 170%. However, due to the low cost of this type of automobile fuel and the considerable resource base for its obtaining in Ukraine, one can conclude - the use of biogas from landfills should be expanded and this is promising, in terms of energy independence of both separate economic entities and the state as a whole.
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