
  • A. P. Dzhus ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • S. V. Kasatkin ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна




installation of an electric plunger pump; gas factor; filling factor of the pump cylinder; proportion of free gas; pressure at the pump intake.


The work aims to create methodological bases for evaluating the features of the application of electric plunger pump installations in wells with a complex profile with a significant gas content for a single deposit. The possibility of using electric plunger pumps for wells with a flow rate from 0,8 m3/d to 38 m3/d, which are characterized by a high intensity of curvature, which leads to wear of pump rod columns and pump-compressor pipes as part of rod well pump installations, as well as operation in the periodic mode of installations of electric centrifugal pumps with a nominal supply much greater than the inflow of liquid from the reservoir. It was established that the free gas present in the production of the well significantly impairs the pumping capacity of the electric plunger pump and for wells of an individual field, which differ considerably in the values of the gas factor and maximally reflect the influence of these parameters, determines its operation with a cylinder filling factor from 0,85 to 0,16. The estimated values of the potential pressures at the pump intake for the proportion of free gas of 25%, 40%, 55% and 65% were determined, provided it is used at the maximum possible descent depths, which also allows us to estimate the values of the potential blowout pressures and, accordingly, the flow rates of the wells. Taking into account the results of the assessment of the production potential of the wells of the field, the feasibility of operating some of them with a proportion of free gas of 40 – 55 %  to produce 29,7 – 36,8 t/d of production, which is 45 – 80% more than the estimated total flow rate with a permissible share of free gas of 25%, which is 20,5 t/d. To expand the results' applicability, it is advisable to conduct additional studies to consider the effect of product waterlogging in assessing pump filling and substantiating healthy operation modes.


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How to Cite

Dzhus, A. P., & Kasatkin, S. V. (2024). EVALUATION OF PECULIARITIES OF PUMPING EQUIPMENT APPLICATION IN WELLS WITH COMPLEX PROFILE AND HIGH GAS CONTENT . Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(41), 68–75. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9868-2024-1(41)-68-75

