Improvement of classification of emulsion production methods
emulsification methods, emulsification devices, fuel oil, emulsion, fuel, dispersionAbstract
When burning liquid fuel, the problems arise related to ensuring the environmental requirements and the efficiency of its use. The process of high-quality liquid fuel combustion (mainly fuel oil) is complicated by the presence of excess water in it. One of the promising directions for solving this problem is the use of water-emulsion fuels (WEF), in which the expensive stage of fuel dehydration is replaced by the stage of emulsification – the uniform water distribution in the volume of fuel. In this case, it is possible to eliminate its stratification not only with the use of expensive surfactants, but also with the use of technologies, ensuring the stability of such fuel due to the formation of a finely dispersed emulsion. The stability and efficiency of combustion of such a fuel emulsion (FE) will significantly depend on the amount and water dispersion in the WEF. Nowadays such WEF technologies for emulsifying and their features are insufficiently studied and therefore have great scientific and practical importance. The existing classifications of emulsification methods (EM) are diverse, which makes it impossible to analyze the possibilities, functionality, and practicability of choosing the optimal EM for obtaining a high-quality emulsion. On the basis of the analysis of the existing EM classifications, the improved classification is proposed, which combined the possible EM and devices. The expediency of using a specific EM depends on the parameters of the FE and its needs, scope, conditions and purpose of application. It is effective to use for an industrial scale the devices that work with discrete-pulse energy input technology (DPEI). However, you can use the sound EM, using the UZDN-A disperser and the UZG-34 generator for laboratory studies.
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