
  • V. Ya. Grudz ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • Ya. V. Grudz ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • R. B. Stasiuk ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • M. Ya. Dvolitka ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • N. V. Kopachuk ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • O. F. Kozak ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна



compressor station, probability of failure-free operation, resource, optimization.


The methods of forecasting the probability of failure-free operation of multi-shop compressor stations of the long-distance gas transport system under the conditions of their incomplete loading are considered. To determine the displacement of the characteristics of the superchargers, which use the coefficients of the technical condition for individual characteristics in fractions of the unit, they indicate the deterioration of the unit's performance according to these indicators. The aggregates of values of the coefficients of the technical condition of the superchargers according to their available indicators make it possible to determine the types of malfunctions that occur in the superchargers. Determining the basic values of the coefficient of technical condition requires the presence of measured mode characteristics of the supercharger and also commercial gas consumption through the super-charger. When the system is not fully loaded, the pressure depression formation process at each current moment of time when the productivity value changes is non-stationary and is characterized by pressure fluctuations with a certain frequency and amplitude. The superposition of pressures at its upper limit line of depression can lead to the fact that the initial pressure exceeds the allowable one. To currently prevent pipeline overloading, it is sug-gested toreduce its initial pressure in relation to the maximum. In such situations, forecasting the fault-free operation of the system is of particular importance, since the approaches to the principle of optimization of operating modes and the selection of the optimality criterion have certain features, in particular, this applies to multi-shop stations. A graph-analytical method for determining the failure probabilities of an element by parameter in each inter-control period, as well as the total probability of failure during the element's service life, is proposed. The method is suitable for any distribution laws with smooth realizations of the parameter change. The established de-pendence of failures of one element on others takes into account the fact that it can be determined by the general mode and conditions of operation of gas pumping units as elements of the system, by a change in the conditions of operation of one element when another fails.


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How to Cite

Grudz, V. Y., Grudz, Y. V., Stasiuk, R. B., Dvolitka, M. Y., Kopachuk, N. V., & Kozak, O. F. (2024). FORECASTING THE TROUBLE-FREE OPERATION OF MULTI-SHOP COMPRESSOR STATIONS. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(41), 46–51.




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