Analysis of the digital transformation processes of the oil and gas industry
internet of things, big data, cyber threats, smart deposit, simulation modeling, automated calculation algorithm.Abstract
Most modern digital technologies, which are part of the fourth industrial revolution, can be used to improve the efficiency of production processes in the oil and gas industry, in particular, in exploration, planning and optimisation of well construction and maintenance operations, secondary oil and gas recovery methods and enhanced oil and gas recovery. Information flow management can significantly reduce operating costs associated with oil and gas field logistics. Production processes in the oil and gas industry are accompanied by the collection, transmission, processing and storage of significant amounts of information aimed at making and implementing the necessary decisions. In these conditions, big data management technologies are becoming increasingly important. The proliferation of digital technologies, given the peculiarities of oil and gas technologies, requires improvement of measures and means of protection against unauthorised interference with information flow management processes. The use of distributed ledger technology makes data leakage impossible and provides a high level of protection of the information field. The conducted research has identified areas of rational use of simulation software and special applications in the form of automated calculation algorithms in modelling the work processes of oil and gas equipment. Simulation programs do not require a mathematical description of the oil and gas machine's workflow, but are ineffective in the case of a significant number of calculation operations. The use of an automated calculation algorithm is advisable if it is necessary to involve numerous arrays of source data, the analysis of which involves the implementation of numerous calculation procedures. Increasing the share of digital technologies in the educational process involves the widespread introduction of electronic document management, the legalisation of electronic signatures and distance learning methods.
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