Analysis of tendencies of oil and gas engineering development
oil and gas engineering, production of oil equipment, nomenclature of production, oil service company, oil and gas complexAbstract
Based on the study of the dynamics of global costs for oilfield equipment, it was found that its production shows slow growth, the largest share of oil and gas machinery is in North America, and the largest segment of production belongs to the manufacture of equipment for collecting and transporting hydrocarbons and pipe products. In the process of analysis of the nomenclature and geography of production of machines, mechanisms, individual components and parts of drilling and oil and gas equipment, the inconsistency of the level of development of oil and gas engineering in Ukraine with the needs of the fuel and energy complex is shown. The required level of production of equipment and spare parts directly depends on the quality of maintenance of oil and gas machines, which with the development of new technologies for the development of hydrocarbon fields should increase. The main reasons for failures of oil and gas equipment are the lack of proper maintenance. Domestic oil companies are focused on the import of oil equipment, and a negative problem for the development of the domestic market of oil services is the reduction of their own production of oil and gas equipment. One of the most important competitive advantages of domestic service companies is a lower level of prices for services, as well as a deeper knowledge of the specifics and features of local conditions for the development of hydrocarbon deposits. An important aspect of the development of the service market is the transition to innovative technologies in the field of geological engineering and drilling. In accordance with the development trends of the world oil and gas engineering industry, the staffing requirements of service companies are increasing. Given the complexity of mining and geological conditions for the development of hydrocarbon deposits, the development of new technologies for oil and gas production requires increasing attention to training specialists who are aware of modern methods of design, operation and maintenance of oil and gas equipment.
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