Biogas from disposal dump waste as automotive fuel


  • T. V. Dykun IFNTUOG; 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska str., 15, phone (0342) 727148
  • L. I. Haieva IFNTUOG; 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska str., 15, phone (0342) 727148
  • Ya. M. Demianchuk IFNTUOG; 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska str., 15, phone (0342) 727148
  • T. Y. Voitsekhivska IFNTUOG; 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska str., 15, phone (0342) 727148
  • Ya. A. Hutsuliak IFNTUOG; 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska str., 15, phone (0342) 727148



biofuel, biogas, gas purification, efficiency, heat of combustion


The urgency of the problem of the effective use of traditional energy sources and the search for alternative resources is definitely beyond doubt. Today, in Ukraine, the low-calorific gas production potential, which is largely produced by agriculture and industry, in particular biogas, synthesis gas, generating and pyrolysis gases, coal mine, etc., is almost not used. The number of existing domestic plants for the disposal of these gases is negligible, although in most developed countries there are hundreds and thousands of such plants.

One of the most promising sources of energy is the biogas of dumps, which is now emitted into the atmosphere and contaminates it, or burned at flaring facilities. However, the use of biogas as a fuel in a cogeneration unit with a gas engine of internal combustion and cars will, in addition to the efficient utilization of this hazardous substance, provide the consumer with heat and electric energy.


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How to Cite

Dykun, T. V., Haieva, L. I., Demianchuk, Y. M., Voitsekhivska, T. Y., & Hutsuliak, Y. A. (2018). Biogas from disposal dump waste as automotive fuel. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(29), 56–60.

