
  • S. I. Kryshtopa ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • L. I. Kryshtopa ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • О. O. Mysliv ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • L. V. Ivanyuk ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • І. M. Solyarchuk ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • А. M. Trukhanivskyi ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна
  • T. T. Grishtor ІФНТУНГ, вул. Карпатська,15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна



oil and gas technological transport; lifting installation for well repair, transmission unit; gearbox; diesel engine; exhaust gases; heat utilization; specific fuel consumption; power


The article is aimed at reducing energy losses in transmission units of oil and gas technological transport. The main directions for reducing the energy consumption of oil and gas technological transport were analyzed. The analysis of the features of the design of transmissions of oil and gas technological transport installations was carried out. Conducted studies of the temperature regime in transmission units, viscosity and temperature characteristics of modern transmission oils. A method of maintaining the optimal temperature regime and rapid warm-up in the transmission units of the oil and gas technological transport due to the use of the heat of the exhaust gases of the engines was proposed. A typical mechanical transmission of a mobile lifting unit for the repair of oil and gas wells on a wheeled chassis was studied. The means of experimental research and the method of researching the energy efficiency of transmissions of oil and gas technological transport are given. Theoretical and experimental studies of the implementation of the proposed method of reducing energy losses in the transmission units of oil and gas technological transport were carried out. The dependences of the temperature changes of the transmission oil in the gearbox of the oil and gas technological transport at different modes of rotation of the primary shaft of the gearboxes are established. The dependence of power losses in the gearbox of the mobile unit of the AORS-60 model depending on the type of transmission oil and temperature was obtained. The results of fuel consumption calculations in the gearbox of the AORS-60 model mobile unit at different transmission oil temperatures and with different power drives are presented.


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How to Cite

Kryshtopa, S. I., Kryshtopa, L. I., Mysliv О. O., Ivanyuk, L. V., Solyarchuk І. M., Trukhanivskyi А. M., & Grishtor, T. T. (2024). ENERGY EFFICIENCY INCREASE IN TRANSMISSION UNITS OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSPORT. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(41), 105–117.




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