fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, hybrid intelligent systems, fuzzy neural systems, modeling of knowledge and processes, decision support systemsAbstract
The problem of artificial intelligence application for decision support while drilling of oil and gas wells is considered. The main areas of artificial intelligence are analyzed; by comparing negative and positive aspects of every method. The most suitable method for solving the problem in decision support while drilling of oil and gas wells have chosen. There was proposed a new approach to design intelligent systems for decision support in fuzzy terms that is integration of different methods for modeling fuzzy knowledge and processes, in particular oil and gas drilling process in terms of complications based on fuzzy logic, methods in which artificial neural network with exact methods and solution models and also methods of stimulation modeling are used. The proposed approach allows creating intelligent system for decision support that provides the solution of management problems in terms of complications, that is statistical and structural uncertainty that is studied on the accumulated experience and is adapted to changing functional conditions.
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