internal combustion engine (ICE), transmission, horizontal directional drilling (HDB), working body, vibration, vibroactivityAbstract
The mechanisation of technological processes has become an integral part of the human life cycle. The comfort of both production processes and the surrounding environment is placed on the first and important level. That is why the main task to be solved at the stage of designing machines and mechanisms is to improve the operating characteristics of technological equipment and to reduce the impact of negative phenomena caused by the use of such equipment. The minimisation of vibrations generated by the operation of the tool on the transmission and other mechanisms of the machines is the main priority, which is advanced to the installations of horizontal directional drilling. One of the ways to reduce the negative effects of vibration on the transmission elements of horizontal drilling rigs is to carry out vibration tests at the design stage. The main problem of today's large cities and towns is 90-100% worn out communications: cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity supply are far from the entire list of utilities located underground. Repairing existing communications and building new ones requires significant investment. One of the most promising methods of laying communication structures within the city limits is the method of horizontal directional drilling. This is a closed-loop installation method. Trenchless drilling is economically more profitable than traditional methods, which can be explained by the fact that it saves the money spent on restoring open roads and digging trenches. This method also reduces the time spent on the work, the number of people involved and significantly increases the level of safety. At the same time, all of this work involves disruption to the normal life of the city - digging pits and trenches for replacement or new construction, banning cars and removing the surface of highways, creating detours around new buildings all add to the cost of the work.
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