Influence of hydrogen concentration on the properties of gas-hydrogen mixtures and gas-dynamic processes in gas distribution networks
low-pressure gas networks, real gas; gas-hydrogen mixture; standard conditions; density; volumetric heat of combustion; gas dynamic calculationAbstract
The purpose of the work is to clarify the regularities of the influence of the volume concentration of hydrogen on the physical and thermodynamic properties of the gas-hydrogen mixture, the gas-dynamic modes of operation of distribution gas networks and the volumes of their energy transfer to consumers. On the basis of modern methods of taking into account the real properties of gases, the influence of the volume concentration of hydrogen in the range (0-100) % on the density, gross and net calorific value, gross and net Wobbe index, viscosity of gas-hydrogen mixtures under the standard conditions established for distribution gas networks of Ukraine. Graphical dependen-cies were constructed, and their mathematical modeling was performed. The results of the refined calculation of the properties of gas-hydrogen mixtures were used to perform multivariate gas-dynamic calculations of the low-pressure gas pipeline over the full range of its loading. Refined results were obtained regarding the influence of vol-ume concentration of hydrogen on the gas-dynamic energy consumption of low-pressure gas networks at the costs that occurred for natural gas. The value of the coefficients of the increase in costs in the low-pressure gas pipeline to compensate for the decrease in the gross and net calorific value heat of combustion of the gas-hydrogen mixture has been specified. The degree of increase in the hydraulic energy consumption of the low-pressure gas pipeline for the transmission of energy supplied by natural gas was determined. All research results correspond to the standard temperature of 0 оС. In the practice of operation of distribution gas networks, there are cases of a change in the standard temperature from 0 оС to 20 оС. This made it necessary to carry out additional research on the properties of gas-hydrogen mixtures and the gas-dynamic energy consumption of a low-pressure gas pipeline at a standard temperature of 20 оС.
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