
  • V. R. Kharun Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • P. M. Raiter Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • R. V. Rachkevych Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • I. I. Shostakivskyi Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019




beam-pumping unit, accelerometer, gyroscope, , kinematic characteristics, crank, sucker-rod


At oil-production enterprises, much attention is paid to the diagnosis of the well rod pump installation's surface and underground equipment. Currently, methods of intelligent diagnostics are being developed, within including the usage of various sensors that are combined into sensor nodes for measuring a number of mechanisms and machines characteristics. The work presents the approbation of the universal wireless sensor node "Steval-MKSBOX1V1" by "STMicroelectronics"" (USA), which combines various sensors, a rechargeable battery and a wireless BLE interface that allows the remote parameters measuring. Two sensors a gyroscope and an accelero-meter have been chosen for the study. By means of them the kinematic characteristics of the executive mechanism of the swing machine have been measured: the angular velocity and acceleration of the crank, as well as the ac-celeration of the rod suspension. The research has been performed on a laboratory installation that allows simu-lating of an oil production well operation and consists of a SK3-1,2-630 rocking machine and an experimental well, equipped with a plug-in plunger pump, 55 mm in diameter which is located at a depth of 50 m. Since the sensor node measures angular velocity and acceleration in a three-dimensional coordinate system, the vector contour method has been used to create a mathematical model of the executive mechanism of the swing machine. Since the links of the executive mechanism move in one plane, the sensor signals are processed in two coordinates. A com-parison of theoretical calculations and experimental studies has been carried out, it showed that the usage of the assumption of a constant angular velocity of the crank introduces a small error of 3.6 % between the average val-ues of the angular velocity of the crank calculated theoretically and according to experimental data. However, the deviation in the calculation of the crank acceleration can reach 24.7 %, which is explained by the usage of the assumption that the angular acceleration is equal to 0.


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How to Cite

Kharun, V. R., Raiter, P. M., Rachkevych, R. V., & Shostakivskyi, I. I. (2023). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE KINEMATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A WALKING BEAM UNIT USING A SENSOR UNIT. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(39), 63–74. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9868-2023-1(39)-63-74




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