Influence of roughness of pipes surface on flow capacity and energy efficiency of gas pipelines operation
long-term service, coefficient of hydraulic resistance, coefficient of hydraulic efficiency, steady-state operation.Abstract
Long-term operation of main gas pipelines, the presence of water and mechanical impurities in the transported gas lead to erosion and corrosion damages to the inner surface of pipes, which causes an increase in its roughness. The increase in roughness results in an increase of the hydraulic resistance of natural gas pipelines, as well as affects theirs transport and energy consumption parameters. To manage the regimes of operation of main gas pipelines it is necessary to adequately predict their flow capacity and energy consumption for natural gas transportation under real values of pipe roughness which is higher than designed ones. On the basis of gas-dynamic equations of the steady-state gas movement the regularities of the influence of the pipe surface roughness on the hydraulic energy consumption of gas transportation at constant gas flow in the section of the gas pipeline are established. The regularities of the influence of the pipe surface roughness on the hydraulic efficiency coefficient of the gas pipeline section under idem difference of squares of inlet and outlet gas pressure values are clarified. It is established that the value of hydraulic efficiency coefficient of the gas pipeline section for specified value of absolute equivalent roughness of the pipe surface actually does not depend on the pipe inner diameter and slightly depends on the flowrate in the gas pipeline. The method of capacity and energy efficiency determination of the gas-dynamic system called compressor station – pipeline section for the increased pipe inner surface roughness in comparison with its designed value is proposed. The method involves mathematical modelling of gas-dynamic characteristics of centrifugal compressors, thermohydraulic calculation of the pipeline section taking into account the actual roughness of the pipe, consideration of pressure and gas flowrate technological limitations as well as energy consumption determination taken per unit of work lost in transport
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