alternative fuel, diesel engine, drilling rig, conversion to gas, energy efficiencyAbstract
The experience of domestic and foreign specialists in the sphere of re-equipment of diesel engines into gas
ones with spark ignition is studied. The advantages and disadvantages of using gas as a motor fuel for diesel power
drives are given. The ways of conversion of diesel equipment to compressed and liquefied gas fuels are offered in
different variants. Theoretical studies of energy efficiency of diesel power drives in the oil and gas industry during
the conversion of diesel engines to the use of alternative fuels are performed. It has been established that when
converting diesel engines of power drives of drilling rigs to gas motor fuels, it is possible to provide power, torque,
fuel consumption rates, which are practically analogous to the corresponding indicators of primary diesel engines
before their conversion. It has been found out that when re-equipping diesel engines of power drives of drilling rigs into gas motor fuels during the conversion of diesel engines into a propane-butane mixture, in comparison with
natural gas, it will be possible to provide the best fuel-economic and powerful indicators. It is shown that the above
theoretical calculations are in good agreement with practical achievements that have already been obtained in
automobile transport
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