
  • І. М. Райтер ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м.Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15, тел. (0342)504708
  • В. С. Цих ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м.Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15, тел. (0342) 504708
  • Є. В. Шатан ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м.Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15, тел. (0342) 504708


multiphase flow, method, control, information-bearing parameter, laboratory installation, water content, processing of results.


The article justifies the necessity to conduct operational diagnostics of the structure and composition of well flows. It also proves the urgency of the task of continuous water content monitoring in the field well flow in order to
locate the producing areas, on which the water content in the production wells flow increases sharply. A brief analysis of the existing studies and publications on water content control in the flows was conducted and the basic
shortcomings of the existing approaches and methodologies were defined. A special laboratory device for experimental studies of the impedance method for water content control in the flow was developed and its detailed description
was given. Simulation of different flow regimes using this device was carried out by changing pressure and flow rate of the liquid and gaseous phases. The accuracy of the batching system of the liquid phase of the study installation
was evaluated. The studies of the dependence of the initial values of the real and imaginary parts of the capacitive sensor information signal at different filling of the gap between the sensor covers with the gas-watercondensate
mixture were conducted. There were obtained the results of the locus form change of the impedance sensor information signal of the flow water content when changing the flow capacity. It was suggested to use the
Hilbert-Huang transformation to process the obtained data in order to improve the reliability of the control results of the flow structures, which are characterized by significant signal non-linearity.


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How to Cite

Райтер, І. М., Цих, В. С., & Шатан, Є. В. (2016). STUDY OF IMPEDANCE METHOD FOR WATER CONTENT CONTROL WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(25), 22–31. Retrieved from




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