
  • В. Б. Кропивницька ІФНТУНГ, 76019, м.Івано-Франківськ, вул. Карпатська, 15, тел. (0342) 504521


fractal field, functional model of the drilling process, specific energy consumption, optimality criterion, energy-informational approach.


The fractal field of the oil and gas wells drilling based on Ishikawa diagram is analyzed. It made it possible to build up the causal model of the process and to improve the functional model of the wells drilling process acting as a controlled object. The relationships between the performance factors of the drilling process and the bit penetration are analyzed. We have obtained the mathematical model of the specific energy consumption, which acts as an integral and attained to measure the performance evaluation of the wells deepening process that is proposed to solve problems with energy-informational approach and intelligent technologies for management


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How to Cite

Кропивницька, В. Б. (2017). INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE DRILLING PERFORMANCE FACTORS AND BIT PENETRATION. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(27), 15–21. Retrieved from

