
  • Я. В. Безгачнюк ДП "Івано-Франківськстандартметрологія"; 76007, м. Вовчинецька, 127, тел. (03422)68989


discharge coefficient, critical pressure ratio, shock wave, numerical simulation


The influence of pressure on the outlet of critical nozzle on their properties is a key issue in the measurements of volume and gas flow rate. Despite the considerable amount of experimental studies conducted by different researchers, the solution of problems in this area can not be regarded as complete. Experimental study of the effect of pressure on the critical nozzles outlet on the nozzle discharge coefficient were conducted and numerical simulation of gas flow in the critical nozzle for different values of the ratio of pressure on it was carried out. The research concluded that the effect of reducing the discharge coefficient of the critical nozzle in the range of pressure ratios on it from 0.45 to 0.55 is caused by the interaction of shock waves in the diffuser nozzle with boundary layer in the transition zone between the nozzle throat and diffuser. Based on the results of studies practical recommendations on the use of critical nozzles have been made.


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How to Cite

Безгачнюк, Я. В. (2013). THE INFLUENCE OF PRESSURE ON THE OUTLET OF CRITICAL NOZZLE ON THEIR PROPERTIES. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(19), 48–59. Retrieved from

