field, well, well cementing, sectional casing, linerAbstract
The hydrocarbon potential of Ukraine's mineral resources has been assessed. Attention is drawn to the need to exploit the resources of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves. Leading geological experts emphasise the need to construct deep wells, as the prospects for oil and gas at great and ultra-deep depths are extremely high. The construction of wells in such conditions requires the use of casing liners and sometimes the installation of tie-backs, i.e. in some conditions it is necessary to carry out sectional casing support of wells. The experience of design and implementation of devices for well casing with liner and its tie-back is analysed. The equipment of foreign and Ukrainian production is described. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of application and operation of devices for well casing with liner and their tie-back. The researches carried out emphasise the advantages and disadvantages of both individual units of sectional casing equipment and the whole equipment as a whole. Taking into account the technical characteristics of the equipment used, the KVSK 178-YP type domestic sectional support equipment was developed (a complex of sectional support units Ø 177.8 mm of the anchor packer type). The design advantage of the KVSK 178-YP devices is the presence of an anchoring unit, which allows the casing section to be unloaded onto the intermediate casing, the lower section to be sealed with a packer and the drill pipes to be separated from the lower section after cementing. The design features of the KVSK 178-YP topshaft jig provide for the possibility of controlled docking of the sections together and the possibility of checking the tightness of the docking by tensioning and subsequent cementing of the topshaft. The technical design of these devices is adapted to the mining and geological conditions of Ukrainian deposits. The KVSK 178-YP sectional cementing devices have been successfully used in the construction of wells in the Dnipro-Donetsk Basin (DDB). The results of the implementation confirmed the high-tech design of these devices, their practicality, reliability and successful application.
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