Investigation of the deformed state of a rotating drill string within an inclined borehole section


  • Ya. S. Grydzhuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • O. O. Slabyi Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • Ahmed Al-Tanakchi Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • T. I. Kondur Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • I. Yu. Mokhnii Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019



stress-strain state, drill string, inclined-directed drilling, Kirchhoff rod theory, simulation modeling.


The process of constructing directional wells involves the drill string constantly coming into contact with the well wall. This results in standard forces of weight and viscous resistance to movement, as well as nonlinear spatial forces of contact interaction. These forces cause the drill string to be spatially stressed and deformed, resist movement, and lead to negative dynamic phenomena. To effectively plan the well construction process, it's important to understand these processes. This work focuses on creating a refined mathematical model of the spatial stress-strain state of the drill string located in the inclined well section. The model is developed based on the modified Kirchhoff rod model, which accounts for the axial deformation of the rod. The model takes into account various force factors that act on the drill string during operation, including the force of weight, the force resulting from the deformation of the well wall by the drill string, the friction force between the drill string and the well wall, the force of movement resistance, the lifting force resulting from the movement of the drill string in the mud, and force factors arising from the flow of the mud through the drill string. Based on the proposed mathematical model of drill string deformation, using the numerical method of lines, a simulation model was developed, which makes it possible to study the change in the stress-strain state of the drill string over time. The results of simulation modeling confirmed the adequacy of the created model and the possibility of its application for the analysis of changes in the spatially deformed state of the drill string over time.


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How to Cite

Grydzhuk, Y. S., Slabyi, O. O., Al-Tanakchi, A., Kondur, T. I., & Mokhnii, I. Y. (2024). Investigation of the deformed state of a rotating drill string within an inclined borehole section. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (2(40), 38–52.




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