Simulation of the conditions of interaction of the elements of the transport and technological system "mine gas pipeline - mining production”
degassing, mine degassing system, methane-air mixture, grade lineAbstract
The purpose of the paper is to simulate interaction between the components of mine pipeline-mine working(«MP-MW») system to determine zones of equivalent deformations and stresses within the linear shares of
degassing pipelines determining their technical condition and output. To achieve the purpose, an expert appraisal has been conducted to evaluate the available approaches as for the simulation of degassing pipelines being
constructed within the in-seam underground mine workings where bottom rocks are prone to heaving. Routine
surveying of engineering conditions of the in-seam development mine workings has helped identify potentially
dangerous zones of the rock mass deformation as well as indices of changes in spatial location of the areal
degassing pipelines. Diagnostics of technical state of mine pipeline as well as conditions of interaction with rock mass has helped identify that within the flanged pipe joints of its sections and under the influence of the rock mass deformation, the pipeline deflections take place; consequently, water accumulation happens as well as intensive corrosion of the internal pipe walls along with mechanical depositions of coal and rock dust. The obtained actual data on the bottom rock deformation as well as simulation of technical state of a mine degassing pipeline with the help of SolidWorks software has made it possible to define features of interaction between the «MP-MW» transportation and processing system components inclusive of their safety for the specific sections of the pipeline. In has been substantiated experimentally that joints of a mine gas pipeline are the most prone to rock mass deformation as well as disintegration. The abovementioned provokes decrease in the gas pipeline output involving new engineering solutions as for its modernization. New approaches have been substantiated concerning diagnostics of technical state of a mine degassing pipeline (MDP) under the complicated mining and geological conditions of gasiferous coal seam extraction by means of spatial and temporal simulation of the mine pipeline-mine workingtransportation and processing system.Potentially dangerous zones of high-altitude position of the mine degassing pipeline route have been identified depending upon the rock mass deformations within the sectional development mine workings. It is scheduled to implement innovative engineering solutions, concerning diagnostics of technical state of mine degassing pipelines, in Ukrainian mines, extracting gasiferous coal seams, to improve diagnosing and monitoring methods for operating MDPs.
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