Investigation of the influence of soil characteristics on the intensity of leaks from gas pipelines
emergency gas leak, corrosion processes, filtration, gas pollution area, material balance.Abstract
The appearance of a gas leak in the underground part of the gas pipeline section implies its further filtration in a porous medium (soil) until it reaches the surface, which is accompanied by a constant increase in the filtration resistance of the medium. Therefore, changing the parameters of gas flow over time involves a non-stationary
process, the characteristics of which depend on the filtration properties of the soil, in particular on its permeability. It is obvious that the physical properties, in particular the filtration resistance, of the soil as a porous medium should have an impact on the intensity of gas leakage from the pipeline and the formation of the area of gassiness. Therefore, there is a relationship between the process of gas leaking from the pipeline through the emergency hole and its filtration in the surrounding soil. The nature of the change in the value of mass flow leakage over time
during the non-stationary filtration process is established, it is shown how soil properties (including its permeabi-lity) affect the duration of the non-stationary process and the value of leakage flow. Significant service life of gas pipelines causes aging of metal due to corrosion processes and accidents, which also leads to leaks from the pipelines. This situation is unacceptable from an economic and environmental point of view, as gas leaks can lead to gassing of large areas, and in some cases – to the formation of a gas mixture and explosion, resulting in significant economic damage and danger to human life. It is established that small leaks are the most probable in case of
corrosion damage of pipelines, and large leaks are the most probable in case of accidents caused by external forces. It is well known that the occurrence of gas leakage from the pipeline causes a non-stationary process, the nature of which can be used to estimate the amount of leakage. If the gas pipeline operated in a non-stationary mode before the leak, the occurrence of a leak will disturb the non-stationary process.
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