Improvement of the automatic control system of gas-pumping units taking into account their technical condition
At the compressor stations (CS) of the gas transmission system (GTS) of Ukraine, 702 gas pumping units (GPU) have been installed, of which 20 types are gas turbine units, accounting for 76.7% of their total number. Each GPU is equipped with an automatic control system (ACS), which ensures its efficient operation. Today, more than 60% of GPUs, in particular of high power (25.0 MW), have worked out the installed service life, or those close to it. Their further operation does not ensure reliable and efficient operation, and therefore numerous failures and accidents occur, leading to significant economic losses. Considering that ACS were supplied together with the GPU, which are now morally obsolete and have practically exhausted their resource, the task of improving the ACS of the GPU, taking into account their technical condition, is urgent. The solution to this problem requires the integration of existing autonomous means of monitoring and diagnosing the technical state of the GPU into their ACS. The analysis of the known systems and means of diagnosing the technical state of the GPU from the point of view of the possibility of their integration into the existing ACS of the GPU is given. The possibility of using modern hardware and software, in particular the Siemens concern, in the development of a system for diagnosing the technical condition of the GPU-Ts-16S, as a component of its ACS, the results of testing which at the Dolinsky industrial site of the Bogorodchansky LPUMG have shown its effectiveness is shown. It is noted that the introduction of engineering solutions for the GPU type GTK-25-i, which allow extending the service life of its ACS, and replacing the old-style ACS with new ones does not lead to a significant increase in the reliability of the GPU. An example of the improvement of the ACS GPU type GTK-25-i on the KS-39 "V-P-V" of the Bogorodchansk LPUMG by equipping the GPU type GTK-25-i with additional sensors of technological and vibroacoustic parameters and upgrading the applied software, including algorithms for parametric, vibroacoustic diagnostics GPU type GTK-25-i and an algorithm for diagnosing its ACS. Long-term operation of the improved system has confirmed its effectiveness.
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