Approbation of the tectonophysical model of fracture estimation at the deposits of the inner zone of the Precarpathian Foredeep


  • S. S. Kurovets Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • І. V. Artym Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • Т. V. Zderka Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019



tectonophysical model, anticline, field of oil and gas, fracturing, Pre-Carpathian Foredeep, sandstone.


 A promising method for assessing the fracturing of reservoir rocks is the analysis of their stress-strain state by mathematical modeling of tectonophysical processes in the sandy-silty flysch strata. Previous studies were aimed at substantiating the main approaches to tectonophysical modeling of sandy-silty strata in order to assess the fracturing of oil and gas promising deposits. However, the developed model of the symmetric anticline cannot be used in the conditions of the Intristic zone of the Pre-Carpathian Foredeep due to the complex forms of layers. The model was improved and tested at such well-known deposits of the Inner Zone of the Pre-Carpathian Foredeep as Starosambir and Pivdenno-Hvizdetsk. A corresponding model for an asymmetric anticline with different layer thickness of the reservoir rock of the Yamna formation of the Paleocene of the Starosambir deposit has been constructed. The simulation results showed, that the zone of increased fracturing is located within the crest of the anticline. This statement is proved by field studies of the core. Increased fracturing within the cut area was not detected. The upper layer of sandstone of the menilite formation of the South Hvizdetsk deposit almost completely belongs to the fractured, pore-fractured type of reservoir. The question arose as to whether it was possible to explain such an abnormally large area of increased fracturing by the developed model. To solve the problem, the boundary conditions for reproducing the real deformation of the sandstone formation were improved. According to the results, the area of increased fracturing almost completely covers the layer. Thus, the results of approbation of the tectonophysical model within deposits of the Inner Zone of the Pre-Carpathian Foredeep indicate that with the help of the developed model it is possible to research complex structures on tectonic fracturing.


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How to Cite

Kurovets, S. S., Artym І. V., & Zderka Т. V. (2020). Approbation of the tectonophysical model of fracture estimation at the deposits of the inner zone of the Precarpathian Foredeep. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (2(34), 15–25.




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