Monitoring of tension state of pipelines by magnetic anisoтropic method
stressed state of metal, magneto-anisotropic converter, electromagnetic meter, Arduino.Abstract
The known methods of investigation of mechanical stresses that can be applied to pipelines are reviewed. Both domestic and foreign samples are described. On the basis of the conducted critical analysis, the most promising methods of control are identified and one of their main disadvantages is indicated: the estimation is performed according to the diagram of the dependence of the magnetic properties on the mechanical stress of the metal. Given this, an advanced electromagnetic voltage meter INI-1C is proposed. At the heart of the design is a modernized node processing information signal on the Arduino platform. The essence of the innovation lies in the use of analog-to-digital signal conversion and subsequent processing of the software package. This, in turn, provides a calculation of the dependence of the signal change on the mechanical force. Consequently, it was possible to achieve convenient visual control on the electronic display of the monitor or smartphone. It is proposed to use a magnetic control method with a four-pole magneto-anisotropic converter as the most suitable for practical application. The Arduino hardware and software platform was used to enhance the capabilities of the INI-1C mechanical stress measuring instrument. The system of remote monitoring for periodic measurements of line pipeline voltages, accumulation and analysis of the obtained data with the purpose of providing objective information for making technological decisions is described. Thus, using the introduction of remote pipeline monitoring systems, you can monitor the status of the entire pipeline in real time. The monitoring is carried out without violating the integrity and stopping of the pipeline.
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