Analysis of composition and dispersion of fuel emulsions


  • V. O. Melnyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019



energy, fuel oil, emulsion, fuel, raw materials, burning, combustion process, watercut


The development of the economy of the state, as well as industrial enterprises, leads to an increase in demand for all types of energy carriers. This is characterized by the constant search and exploration of new progressive types of energy and sources of raw materials, especially for thermal power plant TPPs, CHPs and utilities, which use liquid fuel - usually fuel oil - to operate. For such enterprises, stable and timely supply of fuel raw materials, improvement of methods of its combustion, reduction in the cost of obtaining energy, etc. are relevant. Existing heavy hydrocarbon combustion technologies are of poor quality and it is therefore advisable to develop new ones or to optimize existing ones. This will reduce energy costs for technological preparatory operations for the de-watering of fuels, reduce the amount of polluted water reservoirs, and minimize their harmful effects on the envi-ronment. One of the most promising areas for combustion of heavy water hydrocarbons is the use of water emulsion fuels (WEF). The stability and efficiency of combustion of such a fuel emulsion will greatly depend on the amount and dispersion of water in the WEF. Today, such emulsification technologies and WEF parameters are not yet well understood and are therefore of great scientific and practical importance. The analysis of the theories describing the effect of dispersion and the amount of water in the emulsion on the combustion indices shows that they are contradictory. This can be due to the different physical characteristics of the fuel: composition, viscosity, temperature, etc., which has led to different results. Since studies by different authors were conducted under dif-ferent conditions, modes, equipment and with different fuel emulsions, it is not possible to indicate the optimum value of dispersion and amount of water. Obviously, in each case there will be a different optimal "surface" of the ratio of the size of the droplets of water and its number in the WEF. Future experimental and theoretical studies on the combustion of WEF should focus on the water content range of 3-30% and the dispersion of 1-35 microns.


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How to Cite

Melnyk, V. O. (2020). Analysis of composition and dispersion of fuel emulsions. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(33), 124–131.

