Analysis of the methods of automated control over multidimensional objects on the basis of intelligent systems


  • L. Ya. Chуhur IFNTUOG; 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpatska str., 15, phone (0342) 727167



information technologies, decision support systems, expert systems, object-oriented integrated environment


The paper deals with the analysis of automated control over multidimensional objects based on the principles of intelligent systems. At present such systems include decision support systems and expert systems. The main feature of information technology of decision support is a qualitatively new method of organizing the interaction between a man and a computer. The development of solutions is the main purpose of this technology. The similarity of automated control methods based on information technology used in expert systems and decision support systems is that they both provide a high level of decision support. However, in practice, there are significant differences. One of them is that solving a problem in decision support systems reflects the level of its understanding by the user and his ability to get and understand the solution. Another one is in the ability of expert systems to explain this solution and to use the concept of information technology as knowledge. From the perspective of the above features of these systems, we have made a conclusion about the practicability of using expert systems, namely, dynamic, working in real time that allow to quickly and qualitatively carry out automated control in the production. They enable the expert to make the best decision, even if knowledge of the situation goes beyond his competence. An important role in the expert systems development is played by the software environment that is used during its implementation. The article also deals with the functioning and connection of the software product with the outside world - the object-oriented integrated environment G2, on the basis of which many modern expert systems are built. The areas of application of such intelligent systems are determined and some of the tasks that they are solving are outlined.


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How to Cite

Chуhur L. Y. (2018). Analysis of the methods of automated control over multidimensional objects on the basis of intelligent systems. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(29), 42–49.




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