New technologies of thermo-chemical impact on the productive stratum with the view of enhancing hydrocarbons extraction from the reservoir of Ukraine


  • М. І. Рудий НДПІ ВАТ “Укрнафта”, м. Івано-Франківськ, Північний бульвар ім. Пушкіна, 2 ,тел. (0342) 776141
  • В. Д. Патра НВП «Нафтовик», м. Івано-Франківськ, вул. Тичини, 8а, тел. (03422) 49361




To achieve a thermo-chemical impact on the bottom hole formation zone suggested here are some new technologies using both alkaline and acid solution and carbamide nitrate. Depending on geological production conditions of certain wells recommended is a selective thermo-chemical treatment using: self-destroyable polymer systems or "Polycar" polymer; combined treatment with the heated alkaline and acid solution; technique of thermo-chemical impact using ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid; thermo-chemical impact technology using ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid; thermo-chemical impact technology using the mixture of carbamide nitrate and sodium nitrate followed by micellar solution injection; thermo-acid impact technology using the mixture of carbamide  nitrate and methanol or diethyleneglycol. Considered in detail are the conditions of each of the above techniques and the results of their implementation on the fields of Ukraine with the view of enhancing oil and gas extraction from producing wells.


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How to Cite

Рудий, М. І., & Патра, В. Д. (2008). New technologies of thermo-chemical impact on the productive stratum with the view of enhancing hydrocarbons extraction from the reservoir of Ukraine. Oil and Gas Power Engineering, (1(6), 14–22. Retrieved from




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